Thursday 13 November 2014

[SOLVED]Is Probux Down? Is probux not working? Probux

Hello friends,
    Today when i opened browser and tried to open is was shocked to know that the server is down. I checked out several times and with different proxies but all in vein.
When we search the page says Connection time out Error 522.

Friends than i didnt stopped at that. I went to google for the problem like you might have done before reaching here. To check whether the server is down or not i went to a site which tells us about the site is running or not. It is

There i wrote in search box and than click on check.
I got the following page
But dont worry for that there is a solution to every problem in this world. What should a person do When he finds out That his ptc on which he is working for days is down...
But before that i would like to tell you guys briefly about Probux And how to make money from it or rather how we made money from it.
Probux is basically a PTC Pay to Click website which give us money for viewing ads. It gives us a limited number of ads to see but we can multiply our earnings by renting referrals or doing simple jobs on 

Now Coming back to the solution for the server down of probux. 
1.You can wait for it to resolve the solution
2. You  can meanwhile go to alternative ptc to make your income in a flow.

There are many pay to click websites nowadays ad it is becoming a trend but i am going to tell you which is the best one.

Sunday 31 August 2014

The 10 possible Malware infection symptoms of pc

Hi all. Viruses are undoubtedly the worst enemy of our computer (if you use Windows), locks, unexpected reboots, loss of information, among others are the many symptoms that may potentially cause these pesky visitors. But have you ever wondered how to tell if your computer is infected, well, here I share some of the most common symptoms that can occur when a computer is affected by virus.

The 10 possible Malware infection symptoms may include:

1. My computer tells me: You are all kinds of pop-ups and messages on your desktop. This could be a spyware or a fake antivirus or Rogueware.

2. The PC is painfully slow: Although there are several possible reasons can be given if a Trojan is performing tasks that consume resources.

3. Applications will not start: It is a sign of infection, there may be just another failure.

4. I can not connect to the Internet or connect me, but sailed very slow: Malware could be making calls, and stealing bandwidth.

5. When connected to the Internet, many windows open or unsolicited browser displays pages: This is a sure sign of infection, because some threats are designed to drive traffic to certain sites.

6. Where did my files?: There are types of malware designed to erase data, encrypt it or change of site.

7. My antivirus has disappeared, my firewall is disabled: Some threats are designed to disable the security system installed.

8. My computer tells me in a strange language: Computer may be infected if you change the language of the applications or the screen turns upside down.

9. I'm missing libraries and other files to run applications: It can also be a sign of infection.

10. My PC has gone mad: If the team does things on its own, such as connecting to the Internet or send emails, perhaps the cause is a threat.

Remember if you See any of the above symptoms, Then it is mendatory to take action and Scan your pc for viruses with a Good antivirus. Reinstall operating system if needed.

Things to do with Old Computer

Hi all. Fortunately there are many ways to reuse an old computer. I wanted to share here on our blog. You'll know to choose which of the following 6 options is best suited to your old PC.

Things to do with Old Computer

1. Media Center

One of the major uses for computers has given is definitely all about multimedia. Typically many of the old computers used to play audio and video, so why not use it as a home audio system or adapt the style of a jukebox musical. You can also take care to connect your PC to the computer to function as a video and film center

2. File Downloader

If you're fans to download files from the Internet, you can use your old computer as a special download center. Take care of removing all unnecessary hardware and essentially left alone to connect to the network and downloading always be what you want.

3. Install a web server, or print files home:

To do this it is best to look for ways to keep your computer always on, since the idea of ​​a server that can be accessed at any time from different computers on the network. Then you just need to connect the printer, share it and voila, you have your own print server. 

You do the same with the files and you have your own file server.For a web server will need to install a package like XAMPP or AppServ includes everything you need to get to ride your web projects.

4.Test Equipment for Hardware and Software:

If you like tinkering and playing with computers, take advantage to test and learn without fear of making mistakes, because as your old PC does not have much to lose. You can install programs from you want to implement advanced techniques of modding and overclocking. 

5. Children's Learning Center:

If you have children it is best that from childhood you guide in the proper use of computers, teaching you need so you can very well use this excellent tool. In this case you can try installing a Linux distribution for children that will make things easier at the time to educate them at a computer.

6. Gaming computer:

Obviously you can not enjoy the latest games on the market, but you can relive the golden ages of gaming by installing one of the many emulators consoles that can be found on the Internet.

Windows 8 requirements

Do you wish to Install Windows 8 On your PC but just unsure what are the hardware requirements to installand run Windows 8 Smoothly without any trouble? You are at the right place because today i am going to share Windows 8 minimum Requirements that you need in your PC to Run windows 8 without any trouble.

Windows 8 Minimum Requirements

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: minimum 20 GB
Graphics Processor: supports Microsoft DirectX 9 with WDDM drivers.

Additional Windows 8 Minimum Requirements

To use the touch function, you need a tablet or a monitor that supports multitouch.
To access the Windows Store and download and run applications, you need an active internet connection and a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.