Sunday 31 August 2014

How to Start MS office without Welcome Screen

If you are tired of watching the annoying splash screen Microsoft Word, Excel or any of the products of Office each time When you start, then i have a solution for it because in this article we will learn how to Start MS office without the Welcome Screen.

While the screen can be useful to indicate that the program started to load, Office is fast enough, it does not matter much the welcome screen, which only has become a disturbing sight.

How to Start MS office without Welcome Screen

How to Start MS office Without Welcome Screen

Each time you open any of the MS office Software, you are greated with a welcome screen which shows you which verion of ms office you are using and what the program is loading. But if you Wish to disable it, you can do with a simple trick. This will not change anything in the normal operation of the program, so it is not going to affect the program by any means irreversible.

To turn off the screen, simply create a new word, Excel, PowerPoint or a shortcut on the desktop as follows:

Step 1. Right-click the desktop and go to New> Shortcut 

Step 2. In the box, type the following, depending on the program office suite that you want activate direct access (these are commands for Microsoft Office 2010):

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE" /q
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE" /e
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE" /s 

Step 3. Then type a name for the shortcut (eg "Microsoft Word 2010"), and click Finish.

Step 4. Repeat for the other two programs, if desired.

That's it! Now, when using the shortcut created, you can see the splash screen is gone and the main window appears once loaded. 

Note that this only works for when you open Office with the shortcuts created, not when you open a file from Explorer.

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