Saturday 30 August 2014

How to track your windows laptop and phone

If you loose your Smartphone or laptop or tablet, then you can remotely track it. Not only you can track it, you can even remotely Lock or Wipe it. Tracking Process is easy for smartphones that are connected with a data connection. but its hard to track a laptop because once you loose it, it may be powered off.

So Do not wait until you have lost your device, there are some features that need to be enables so that tracking process becomes Smooth. So Let us peep in to see how to Track your lost device and what precautions you need to take.

Tracking Windows Phone:

Microsoft's Windows Phones comes with a feature called Find My Phone. You can Configure it by navigating to Settings > Find my phone. 

Now you can visit Windows phone Website and click Find my Phone which will be at the top right Corner. If somene Factory Resets your phone then this feature will be disabled.

Tracking Windows Laptops:

To Track your Stolen Laptops. we will be using Softwares that you need to install in your laptops. So that if in case you loose your laptop then you can track it later.

I will share two Softwares called Prey and Lockittight.  Both of these and all other similar softwares work in a simlar way. You Install any of these softwares, create account with then, so if your laptop gets stolen you can login to thier website to check the location of your laptop.

Prey offers this service for Windows, Mac and linux too.  It has paid plans but the free one will be good to just track the locations.

So you start with Downloading and Installing Prey Software, Once installed it will ask you to Create a New Account, So Create it.

Now you are almost Safe, if in future you loose your laptop. just Login to their website and set the slider from “OK” to “Missing” Prey only tracks your device when it’s missing, so it isn’t constantly tracking your laptop’s location. Be sure to also enable the Geo feature, which uses your laptop’s internal GPS hardware or the names of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots to report its location.

Once you’ve set your laptop to missing, its status will become “Tracked, waiting for report.” When the Prey software on your laptop checks in with the Prey server, it will receive a message that it has been marked as lost and generate a report. You’ll only receive an alert if the laptop is powered on, connected to the Internet, and the Prey software is still installed.

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